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What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is in essence, is consciously changing the way we breathe in order to tune in to our mind, body and emotions, so that we can digest them and find freedom, inspiration and a new way of living in the world.

What is Rebirthing Breathwork & how does it work?
I am trained in Rebirthing Breathwork, a style that has a gentle yet powerful way of connecting with your body, emotions and limiting beliefs. Only you & your body know what you truly need, and your breath can guide you there. I guide you in a judgement free zone with questions and prompts, and hold a space of gentleness, compassion, understanding and acceptance through our discussions, as well as in your guided breathwork session.

My story with this journey started from a place of alcohol, drug, sex & love addiction, which lead to depression, disassociation with my emotions and body, and a lack of understanding of whats going on in relationships and how to change them. I then took a deep dive for many years into pretty much everything! If i thought I could lean from it or gain new awareness or expeirence I tried it.Little did I know that the things I spent so much of my energy avoiding, would be the things I'm most passionate about sharing with others. My deepest passion and I believe my purpose, is in helping others with similar stories to mine, through compassionate inquiry, breathwork, and somatic experiencing

To get involved in breathwork in Newquay, Cornwall- check out our Retreats page or click below to learn more.

1 to 1, 1:1, in-person, online, and group breathwork classes. Breathwork therapy

Experience Breathwork with Ali

If you have any further questions or would like to book an appointment please click on the logo below.

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